Local Food Discussion Group #2 – 6.26.19

Local Food Discussion Group #2 – 6.26.19

Howdy Local Food Team!

I sure enjoyed our first discussion group, and the turnout was impressive. Hope everyone can make it to round two!

When: 6 pm, Wednesday, June 26 (moved up one day from Thursday)

Where: Whalen's Pub in Cedarville

Why: To Discuss Local Food Systems

This month, I would like to introduce everyone to the Post Carbon Institute (PCI), a Corvallis, Oregon think tank devoted to tackling the challenges of our time.  They are currently focused on studying the food system, and they have released some excellent (and free!) material.  For this month's discussion, please use this link to download their latest report, entitled "The Future is Rural: Food System Adaptations to the Great Simplification." 

This report is 111 pages long, and we are all busy, but I am hoping we can jigsaw read it, meaning that we each pick at least one of its five sections to read and be prepared to share and discuss.  Rather than assign sections, I will have faith that at least one person will be prepared to share on each section.  Should that faith prove ill-advised, I will fill the gaps.  I am hoping we can synthesize key concepts and evaluate how they can be applied to our context as we continue to grow our local food system.

If this report piques your interest, and your calendar allows, please join this live discussion, hosted by PCI the morning of our group's discussion date.  Please contact me directly (foodhub@modocharvest.org) if the $20 cost is prohibitive and I will cover it for you.  I plan to attend, and if I am the only one of our group who is able, I will do my best to provide a "cliff notes" synthesis to our group.

Finally, PCI has an interesting and hilarious podcast called Crazy Town.  It is a refreshing blend of important information and comic relief (language warning).

Thank you for your involvement in this awesome group of humans.  Hope to see everyone on the 26th.

